For Professional Solutions Call (601) 473-2345
The Duncan Group,LLC
The Spirit of Business
A Christian Business, A Christian Family
Taking the NEXT STEP in your corporate development? ​ Your solution can be found here.

At The Duncan Group, we develop current strategies for your government, for-profit, and non-profit businesses. We will find THE Best solution for YOU! We can help you realize your dream of business ownnership and financial independence! It's all about Y O U, Your Ideas, Your Talents, Your Hopes and Your Dreams. It's our job to pull out of you the genius that is within! ​​

Your idea is THE IDEA that will take you to the next level in your life and we want to help you make it there!​​
You have everything within you to excel, accomplish, and succeed. We are here to help you maximize your potential.
Allow The Duncan Group to join your team and help you manifest your dreams.​
Why The Duncan Group?

We address your concerns and make you the winner!

At The Duncan Group we believe in YOU. Our experience coupled with corporate concepts and creative business models give us the tools needed to make your project a success. Whether it's developing your corporate infrastructure or presenting your ideas to Corporate America, we are here to ensure your success by utilizing the right technology, research and planning tools capable of "Closing The Deal".

Our goals are simple and fall into these 3 simple categories: 

Personal ​​
We utilize the latest technology in order to create the best decision-making management model for you. We analyze key business indicators in order to determine your "corporate health" and devise the best possible solution to meet your corporate and non-profit needs.
Client ​​
We include you through our desire to broaden your understanding of your business health and growth potential. Our consultants are versed in various professional disciplines making them "experts" in their field of study. You are guaranteed the best possible counsel to help you make the right decisions for your business.
Through the creation of corporate, government, and professional partners we utilize a community development approach to help us "Perfect" our process of delivering to you the the absolute best solution for your company's growth and development. 
We offer services that will bring your ideas to reality. We engage subject matter experts across a variety of disciplines to create a team that can best position your idea or concept to be evaluated by the eyes of those who can fund it and/or make it successful. 
We provide but are not limited to the following services:
Helping to further your For and non-profit ground floor business development plans from the idea stage to market ready engagement.
Grant writing and grant program development.  Whether in-house or on a per project basis.
Development of your social media presence,  (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Development of websites, blogs, ecommerce, SEO, Funding Platforms
Community and City planning, feasibility studies, and corporate assessments
New product and patent development
Short-term Disaster response and long term recovery training,engagement and organizational network development
Housing Program Development | City and State Program Development | Community Development Finance Institutes (CDFI) Engagement

Developing Your Business Infrastructure

Providing Restructure Strategies  for the 21st Century Corporation wanting to Succeed in the 21st Century Marketplace

We will research current markets to access the resources needed to ensure company growth and expansion. We will study trends  to ensure we are always advising you in the best ways to merge, acquire assets, form subsidaries, or create new partnerships for you business advancement. We utilize 21st century technologies to maximize resources from federal agencies, cities, and the private marketplace. We guarantee a quick, concise, and thorough solution capable of maximizing your growth potential.  

The Time Is Now to access your solution for your Corporate success!
About Us
We are a family-owned and operated business that stands on The Word of God as a foundation for our Corporate Success!  We believe that we have been blessed  by God with amazing skills and abilities that can help those that are pursuing a brighter future reailze their dreams and that's the key to our success!  Our success  is driven by our belief that helping Our Clients reach their God-given potential is the reason why we are here! We are an Empowered Christian Family Business, but we are all about business and getting the job done! 
Miss Soniael Duncan
​Vice President of Technology Development
Dr. Stevie C. Duncan
​Chair of Board
Prophetess Dr. Marietta Duncan
Vice President of Government Policy and Compliance
  • Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Published Research Author
  • Cybersecurity Specialist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Doctorate of Divinity
  • Grant Writer
  • Grant Administrator
  • Technical Writer
  • Bachelor of  Science in Business Administration
  • Master's in Public Policy and Administration
  • Doctor of Christian Counseling
  • Doctoral Candidate Public Policy and Administration
Email Us:
Telephone: (601) 473-2345
Contact Us
We are here 24/7 to answer your questions and handle any queries you have. We look forward to hearing from you.